Fundraising Updates
75% of target reached!
Almost there! 60th Birthday has reached 75% of the target!
50% of target reached!
At the half way mark! 60th Birthday has reached 50% of the target!
25% of target reached!
Making great progress, 60th Birthday has reached 25% of the target!
First donation made!
60th Birthday has received a donation, donate to this cause to help reach the fundraising target!
Fundraising started!
Gordon Brown has launched a fundraising campaign, show your support with a donation!
Supporters (5 people)
Scott Brown
Scott Brown
5...4...3...2...1 Hooorah! Go on dad! 😝
1 week ago
£66.60 + £16.65 Gift Aid
Lee + Alix
Lee + Alix
Happy Birthday Gordon! Hope you a fab night! ❤️
1 week ago
£20 + £5 Gift Aid
annmarie anderson
annmarie anderson
Happiest of Birthdays Gordon, Lovely gesture to a wonderful charity. Lots of love and hugs Ann-Marie, Kenny & the girls x
1 week ago
£20 + £5 Gift Aid
Dawn Reid
Dawn Reid
Good luck Gordon! Happy 60th. Have a fab celebration and all the best with your fund raiser. Dawn
1 month ago
£20 + £5 Gift Aid